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发信人: Marble (小石头哥哥), 信区: Biology
标 题: MCBJC(Presenilin cofactors in r-secretase)
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Apr 14 17:33:39 2003), 站内信件

Nature 2003 422:438 The role of presenilin cofactors in the
r-secretase complex

Mutations in human presenilin genes have been found linked
to familial Alzheimer disease (AD). Many gene knockout and
transgenic animal models have been developed in order to
understand the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases
such as AD, Huntington disease and Parkinson's disease.
However, these animal models do not faithfully recapitulate
all the aspects of the diseases, probably due to specie
difference, or essentially due to lack of understanding about
all the molecules that participate. Presenilin is an important
factor in the gama-secretase complex, which cleaves beta
amyloid precursor protein (bAPP) and Notch protein as well.
Mutant presenlins result in overproduction of amyloid b42
peptides, which is involved in the formation of senile plaques
in the affected brain, yet the mechanism and the significance
are not understood. It is important to address the factors
that form and regulate the gama-secretase. This work took
biochemical and RNAi approach to investigate two cofactors
in formation of the protease complex and regulation of it

in my opinion, i do not think the story is quite exciting to
me, yet it is worth reading since it is critical to understand
the components of the gama-secretase. welcome to your

※ 修改:.Marble 于 Apr 14 17:35:51 修改本文.[FROM: 128.118.]
※ 来源:.The unknown SPACE[FROM: 128.118.]


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